Thursday, June 7, 2007


Yesterday was a great day. It was a calm day and I got a lot done. I made cinna-buns for the kids to have after school (each kid brought home a friend on the bus). I found a package of already made bread dough in the freezer so I defrosted them and made 2 recipes that were printed on the package. The cinna-buns and dinner rolls, both were delicious! For dinner we had a new recipe that I got off a AOL message board called Saucy Chicken, we loved it, also had rice and green beans. It was chilly here in NY yesterday and I had to keep most of the windows closed. Tiana was really cranky when she woke from her nap so when DH came home he took the kids outside for some running around time, seems to always make things better. I am planning Tiana's 2nd birthday party and can't believe how fast the 2 years have flown by. Tiana came to us as a foster placement when she was 27 days old and I knew she was a gift from God the second I laid eyes on her in the hospital. We were able to adopt her last July and she is ours forever. Gosh how I love that child!! I love all my children but Tiana was sent to us by a higher power.

On another note. My 10 year old has been feeling her oats of late (growing pains? Aunt Flo coming?) She is really a good kid but I won't take sass, she was sassy so I told her she could have a peanut butter sandwich for dinner (knowing she loved the dinner I made). She loves to eat and totally appreciates good food so I knew it was a punishment for her more so then taking TV time away etc. Do you think that is mean in any way?? I hate to use food as a punishment but it was effective and she didn't go hungry. It hurt me too cause I love to nourish my family with good home-cooking.

Here are some pics:


Julieann said...

Hi Debbie:) Happy Birthday to yout Tiana--she is just precious! When is her Birthday? It sounds close to my daughter's. All the pictures look so yummy.

As for using food as a punishment, I don't know--I have never done that---I usually take away things like cell phones, the beach or computer time--I am sooo mean;)

Loved the post--have a great Thursday!!!


Doberlady said...


Thanks for reading and commenting :)

Alexandra likes food more then the TV, the computer, going outside etc so I thought I would try it. She knows I mean business and usually is a great listener (cause I follow thru) so I imagine I will only have to use this once or twice. I know in this day and age of eating disorders that some might frown on it but I am not withholding food, just limiting her choice.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Tiana!! She is a cutie pie!! :-) All your food looks so delicious, esp. the cinna-buns, yummy!!

I know, food as punishment is a tough subject!! I guess it boils down to what will work with the individual child. One of my sons doesn't care what he eats, but he would be devastated to lose his computer time. Another will do anything to keep his outdoor playtime. My oldest daughter is more like yours--food matters most. One time we had ordered a pizza and while we were waiting, she just would not stop back-talking and picking fights with her siblings. So I gave her a sandwich and the salad I made to go with the pizza, and put her to bed an hour early. She was stunned!! But that was the end of her dinner time attitude problem. And she got a nourishing meal, just not a special one.

Soooo... yeah, I think you have to figure out what will impact each child the most, and then you won't have to keep repeating the punishment too many times!! :-)

Jennifer said...

Thanks for stopping by my little space in blogland :o)

What a precious little girl you have. I'm sure she brings your family such joy!

I feel for your 10 year old (and for you) as you enter those pre-teen years. Food for punishment... I think each child is different so you do what needs to be done.

Thanks for stopping by, hope to 'see' you around again soon!


Anonymous said...

Debbie, I was scrolling down your blog and my husband said, "wait, go back, what was that?" He says he wants me to ask you for your recipe for your saucy chicken!! :-) Thanks in advance, for sharing it when you get the chance!! :-)